Beverly Hills Technology

Beverly Hills Technology

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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your use of the technical consulting services (the “Services”) provided by Beverly Hills Technology LLC, 9405 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210,, (hereinafter “Beverly Hills Technology”, “we” or “us” or the”Company”). By

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These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your use of the technical consulting services (the “Services”) provided by Beverly Hills Technology LLC, 9405 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210,, (hereinafter “Beverly Hills Technology”, “we” or “us” or the”Company”). By using the Services and Peoducts, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the Services.


1. Scope of Products and Services

  • 1.1. The Company provides technical consulting services, including but not limited to advice, guidance, and support related to the use and implementation of various technologies and apps.

  • 1.2. The specific scope of the Services will be agreed upon between the Company and the client (the “Client”) in writing, through a mutually-signed consulting agreement or similar document.


2. Fees and Payment

  • 2.1. The fees for the Services will be as agreed upon between the Company and the Client in writing.

  • 2.2. The Client will be responsible for paying all fees in accordance with the agreed upon payment schedule.

  • 2.3. The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Services if the Client fails to make timely payments


3. Confidentiality

  • 3.1. The Company and the Client agree to maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information that is exchanged between them as part of the Services.

  • 3.2. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, any business, technical, or financial information disclosed by either party


4. Warranties and Disclaimer

  • 4.1. The Services are provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied.

  • 4.2. The Company does not warrant that the Services will meet the Client’s specific requirements or that the Services will be error-free.


5. Limitation of Liability:

  • 5.1. In no event will the Company be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages arising out of or in connection with the Services or these Terms. The Company’s total liability to the Client for any claim arising out of or in connection with the Services or these Terms will not exceed the amount of fees paid by the Client to the Company for the Services.


6. Indemnification

  • 6.1. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold the Company and its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees


7. Basis of Order and Acknowledgement

  • 7.1. The Contract is subject to these terms and conditions to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions (including any terms and conditions you purport to apply in any Contract).

  • 7.2. Minimum order quantities and/or values may apply at our discretion.

  • 7.3. You represent that you are at least 18 years of age, and if you live in another state or country, you are of the age necessary to enter into contracts according to the laws of your home state or country.

  • 7.4. A Contract shall not be effective until we have issued written acknowledgement and acceptance of such Contract (notwithstanding any earlier confirmation of receipt).

  • 7.5. We may in our sole discretion decline any purchase order placed by you. No change or modification of the Contract shall be allowed after acceptance by us unless accepted in writing by us. If there is any conflict between the prices indicated online and our acknowledgement of the Contract, then the latter shall take precedence.


8. Descriptions and Prices

  • 8.1. We do our best to ensure that the information about is accurate and up to date. However, we do not guarantee that there will be no errors in the description and/or pricing of the , or that will always be available if you wish to place an Order to purchase them. Also, the colors you see on your screen may depend on your computer system and settings, so we cannot guarantee that your computer will accurately display such colors.

  • 8.2. We reserve the right to modify the information about displayed on our Site, including as regards prices, description and availability. However, such changes will not affect Orders for which you have already received an Order Receipt email.


9. When Orders Are Not Accepted

  • 9.1. While we do our best to always accept Orders, we could however refuse an Order in certain cases, for example if: you provide us with incomplete, incorrect or fraudulent information regarding your identity, age, payment details, billing information, shipping address; we discover that there was an error on our Site relating to the you ordered, for example as regards the price or description displayed the you ordered are unfortunately out of stock or no longer available; We have reasonable grounds to believe that you intend to resell the . If we cannot accept your Order we will contact you by email as soon as possible but in any case no later than 30 days from the date of your Order.

  • 9.2. If we cannot accept your Order because the are no longer available, or because of an error in the price and/or other information on our Site, we will refund you any money you may have already been charged for such .


10. Cancellation of Orders

  • 10.1. Beverly Hills Technology reserves the right to cancel, at any time before delivery and for whatever reason, an Order that it has previously accepted. Beverly Hills Technology may do this for example, but without limitation, where:

    • 10.1.1. Beverly Hills Technology’s suppliers are unable to supply that they have previously promised to supply;

    • 10.1.2. an event beyond Beverly Hills Technology’s control, such as storm, fire, flood or failure of computer systems, means that Beverly Hills Technology is unable to supply the within a reasonable time;

    • 10.1.3. ordered were subject to an error on the website, for example, in relation to a description, price or image, which was not discovered prior to the Order being accepted;

    • 10.1.4. you ask Beverly Hills Technology to cancel your Order; or

  • 10.2. You may cancel your Order where Beverly Hills Technology:

    • 10.2.1. has breached a material term of this Agreement;

    • 10.2.2. is not able to deliver your Order within a reasonable time of the estimated delivery time, other than a result of any delay: (i) for which you are wholly or partly responsible such as a failure to provide the correct delivery address or to pay for the ; or (ii) which was outside Beverly Hills Technology’s control.

  • 10.3. Where Beverly Hills Technology cancels your Order after acceptance it will send you an e-mail notifying you of cancellation.

  • 10.4. In the event of Beverly Hills Technology or you are cancelling your Order after payment has been processed, Beverly Hills Technology will refund any money paid in respect of that Order, typically within 14 days.

  • 10.5. Except to the extent otherwise required by law or as expressly set out in these terms and conditions, Beverly Hills Technology will not be liable to you, or any other person, for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered as a direct or indirect result of cancellation of your Order, whether in contract, negligence or any other tort, equity, restitution, strict liability, under statute or otherwise at all.


11. Availability

Beverly Hills Technology reserves the right to withdraw or suspend from sale any displayed on the website, either temporarily or permanently, at any time without notice to you. Except to the extent otherwise required by law, Beverly Hills Technology will not be liable to you, or any other person, for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered as a direct or indirect result of the unavailability of any at any time, whether in contract, negligence or any other tort, equity, restitution, strict liability, under statute or otherwise at all.


12. Passing of Risk and Title

The risk in the Service/Product shall pass to you on delivery as set forth herein. The full legal, beneficial and equitable title to the Service/Product shall remain vested in us (even though they have been delivered and risk has passed to you) until we give written notice to you to pass legal and beneficial ownership of the Service/Product to you or, if earlier: (a) payment in full, in cash or cleared funds, for all the Service/Product has been received by us; and (b) all other money payable by you to us or under the Contract or any other contract or order has been received by us. Our rights and remedies set forth herein are in addition to and shall not in any way prejudice, limit or restrict any of our other rights or remedies under the Contract or in law or equity. We shall be entitled to maintain an action against you for the price of the Service/Product notwithstanding that legal, equitable and beneficial title to and property in the Service/Product has not passed to you.


13. Chargebacks

You agree to contact Beverly Hills Technology prior to raising a request for a chargeback or any dispute with your bank or card issuer in relation to any Transaction. If you make a card payment through Beverly Hills Technology, and later dispute a legitimate charge by raising a chargeback without merit or legitimate reason (as determined at our sole discretion), whether fraudulently or otherwise, then we reserve the right to blacklist you by providing compelling evidence to refute your invalid chargeback request and or pursue legal action as the case may be.


14. Exclusion and Limitation of Liability

  • 14.1. These terms and conditions set out our entire liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of our sub-contractors) in respect of the Service/Product supplied by us and any representation, statement or tortious act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Contract. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any liability that cannot legally be excluded or limited.

  • 14.2. In no event shall we be liable for: (i) any loss of anticipated profits; (ii) any loss of actual profits, (direct or indirect); (iii) any loss of anticipated savings; (iv) any loss of business or revenue; (v) any economic loss of whatever nature; (vi) any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, or punitive or exemplary damages, howsoever caused; (vii) any loss arising as a result of any third party bringing a claim of any nature whatsoever; and/or (viii) any loss resulting from use, application of or results obtained from any software incorporated into the service/product and or service and or service.

  • 14.3. We shall not be liable for any such loss whether or not any such loss or damage was foreseen, direct, foreseeable, known or otherwise. Our total aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the contract whether for negligence or breach of contract or for any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed the price paid by you for the service/product and or service and or service giving rise to your claim.

  • 14.4. To the extent permitted by law, the period in which any claim arising out of or related to the contract must be brought is limited to one year from the date that such claim or cause of action is discovered or should have been discovered with the exercise of due diligence, and no claim may be brought after the expiry of this agreed limitation period.

  • 8.5. Every effort has been made to ensure that these terms and conditions adhere strictly with the relevant legal provisions. However, in the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal.


15. Accuracy of Billing and Account Information

  • 15.1. We reserve the right to refuse any order you place with us. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household or per order. In the event that we make a change to or cancel an order, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e-mail and/or billing address/phone number provided at the time the order was made. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgement, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors.

  • 15.2. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate purchase and order information for all purchases made at our store.

  • 15.3. You agree to promptly update your order information, including your email address and credit card numbers and expiration dates, so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed.


16. Copyright and Ownership

  • 16.1. All of the content featured or displayed on the website, including but not limited to text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound, and illustrations protected by intellectual property law other than User-Provided Content (together “Content”), is owned by Beverly Hills Technology, its licensors, vendors, agents, and/or its Content providers.

  • 16.2. You must not use the website or any Content other than for its intended purpose. Except where we tell you otherwise on the website, you may view, play, print, and download documents, audio, and video found on the website for personal, informational, and non-commercial purposes only.

  • 16.3. You must not modify any of the materials and you must not copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or work contained on the website.

  • 16.4. Except as authorised under applicable copyright law, you are responsible for obtaining permission before reusing any copyrighted material that is available on the website. For purposes of these Terms of Use, the use of any such material on any other mobile application, website, or online service is prohibited.

  • 16.5. You are responsible for complying with all laws which apply to you and your use of the website. The website, its Content, and all related rights shall remain the exclusive property of Beverly Hills Technology or its licensors unless otherwise expressly agreed. You will not remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices from material found on the website.


17. Accuracy of information

We attempt to ensure that information on the website is complete, accurate, and current. Despite our efforts this may not always be the case. Please note that we are not required to maintain or update any such information. You should not rely on any such information and any reliance on any such information is at your own risk.


18. Your Provision of Information

When you provide information about yourself to us or to other users of the website, including when you create an Account, you agree to: (a) provide accurate and current information, and not to provide information that attempts to impersonate another individual; and (b) maintain and promptly update such information to keep it accurate and current. If you provide any information about yourself that is untrue or inaccurate, or we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue or inaccurate, we retain the right to suspend or terminate any account you establish, decline to provide you with services on the website, and/or refuse any or all current or future use of the website or any portion thereof.


19. Registration and Passwords

You may be permitted or required to register or obtain a login ID and password prior to being provided with access to certain pages on the website. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login ID and password, and for all uses of your login ID, password, and/or account, whether authorised by you or not. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your login ID, password, or account, or any other breach of security involving access to the website through your account. You acknowledge that you may be held liable for any loss or harm incurred by us or any other person or entity due to someone else using your login ID, password, or account as a result of your failing to take reasonable steps to keep your account information secure and confidential.


20. Access to the website

  • 20.1. Neither Beverly Hills Technology, nor any of its respective affiliates guarantee that the functions contained on the website will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects will be corrected.

  • 20.2. We may suspend, withdraw, discontinue, or change all or any part of the website without notice.


21. Miscellaneous

  • 21.1. In case of contradiction between these Terms and any content contained in other parts of the website or in links, These Terms contained in this document prevail.

  • 21.2. We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time.

  • 21.3. The use of this website as well as any purchase agreement executed between you and us, will be subject to the version of these Terms and Conditions in force at the time you place the order through this website or the day you browse this website (as applicable).

  • 21.4. Please check these Terms and Conditions periodically for changes.


22. Severance

Each provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed separately and independently of each other. If any provision is deemed invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from and shall not affect the enforceability of any of the other provisions of these Terms.


23. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and Beverly Hills Technology, Inc. and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of California.